Listen In: Using the Power of Podcasts for Insights

Podcasts continue to grow in popularity for sharing and learning. How can insights professionals put the medium to use? In this session we’ll talk about how you can harness the storytelling power of podcasts for not only delivering insights, but also gathering insights.

Presented by Casey Bernard

​Casey Bernard began her career in Marketing research in 2003 after receiving her MSMR from UT Arlington. She worked for research agencies and advertising agencies on major CPG, financial services, pharmaceutical, and utility brands in both traditional marketing research studies and early social media research. Today, she works as an independent qualitative research consultant in Austin, Texas where her work has included in person and online qualitative work for major retailers, medical services, higher education, professional services and international brands.

In 2016, she began producing a podcast for a social media client with a friend who has a significant YouTube following. In 2018 the podcast launched a new concept for her research work as she saw the opportunity for research professionals to tap into the medium for producing more engaging reports.

Her company, Nimble Market Research, became Nimble Modern Radio as Casey is now consulting both research professionals and small businesses on podcast production. She recently released the first episode of her podcast, Breaking Research, focused on issues in marketing research and features professionals who are breaking research traditions to find new ways of getting insights.


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