Shifting Left to Build Right

In today’s digital age, accessibility is a crucial aspect of product development that cannot be ignored. Unfortunately, many organizations still view digital accessibility as a one-time compliance check, rather than a continuous practice that requires a shift in mindset and ways of working. this is a major problem that needs to be addressed, as accessibility is not only critical for promoting inclusivity and diversity, but also benefits the organization in terms of user satisfaction and legal compliance.

It’s important to understand that building accessible products is not the responsibility of a single individual or team. Rather, it’s the responsibility of everyone involved in the product development cycle. From designers and developers to content creators and testers, each person has a role to play in ensuring that the product is accessible to all users. This means that accessibility should be integrated into every step of the product development process, from ideation to launch and beyond.

However, simply meeting the minimum accessibility requirements is not enough. Accessibility is about creating a user experience that is intuitive, easy to use, and enjoyable for everyone. This requires a commitment to user-centered design principles and a dedication to continuous improvement. By doing so, we can create products that not only meet accessibility standards, but also exceed the needs and expectations of all users.

In our talk, “Shifting Left to Build Right,” we’ll share our experiences in integrating accessibility early on in the product life cycle. By doing so, we can identify and address accessibility issues before they become more difficult and expensive to fix later on. We’ll provide practical takeaways that will help you and your team integrate accessibility into your product development process from the very beginning. This way, you can create products that are not only accessible, but also meet the needs and expectations of all users.


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