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Contact: Jack BatchelorEmail: TV supports students and professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in the greaterĀ Tennessee ValleyĀ area. Read more...
Contact: Gonzalo J. Auza (President)UXPA ARG supports students and professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in Argentina. Read more...
Contact: Teresa HudsonEmail: contact@uxpaarizona.orgUXPA AZ supports students and professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in the greater Phoenix area. Instagram: Read more...
Contact: Robert PucherUXPA Austria supports professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in Austria. Meetup: Read more...
Contact: Adriana BetiolA UXPA Curitiba Ć© um capĆtulo regional da UXPA International, uma associaĆ§Ć£o dedicada a reunir profissionais e entusiastas da Ć”rea de ExperiĆŖncia do UsuĆ”rio (UX) na regiĆ£o de Curitiba. Seu objetivo Ć© promover o compartilhamento de conhecimentos, prĆ”ticas e recursos relacionados Ć UX, alĆ©m de oferecer oportunidades de networking, eventos educacionais e colaboraĆ§Ć£o para o avanƧo e aprimoramento da disciplina Read more...
Email: e representamos os interesses do profissional, aspirante ou estudante de experiĆŖncia do usuĆ”rio, inclusive junto aos poderes pĆŗblicos. AtravĆ©s da educaĆ§Ć£o, instruĆ§Ć£o e mentoria para pessoas fĆsicas ou jurĆdicas interessadas em implantar ou amadurecer seu ambiente para os profissionais de experiĆŖncia do usuĆ”rio. Read more...
Contact: Eva GaumondEmail: bayarea@uxpa.orgUXPA BA supports students and professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in the greater San Francisco bay area. Read more...
Contact: Marcella MissirianEmail: uxpaofla@gmail.comUXPA LA supports students and professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in the greater Los Angeles area. Other sites: Read more...
Contact: Claudia GutiƩrrez HeraneEmail: cgutierh@gmail.comUXPA Chile supports students and professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in Chile. Read more...
Contact: Jason HuangEmail: feng.huang@upachina.orgUXPA CHN supports students and professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in China. Read more...