UXPA International Welcomes Our New Middle East/North Africa (MENA) Regional Director to the Board!


By, Sara Mastro and Jana Pantoja

Happy New Year to all of our fellow UXers, friends and family! We are proud to announce that Ahmad Alhuwwari is joining our UXPA International Board as our MENA Regional Director. We are very excited to have him on the team and look forward to a very productive year.

Ahmad Alhuwwari Photo

Our Director of Chapters, Jana Pantoja, sat down (virtually!) with our top 5 questions:

  • How did you get started in UX?
    • I learned about UX design professionally while studying for my Masters of Multimedia in Australia in 2006. Since then, I have become passionate about it and found the career of my life.
  • What is most rewarding about working in UX?
    • We are helping people! We also get to work through unique challenges and are for sure changing our way of thinking.
  • What was your first volunteer role with UXPA International?
    • Mentorship with members worldwide. I really enjoyed it and knew I wanted to be more involved.
  • What would you like to accomplish during your first year as the MENA regional director?
    • Build awareness about UXPA in the MENA region by running webinars, contacting local communities, and establishing new chapters.
  • And finally, what is your favorite food to eat during the holidays?
    • Mansaf (a very famous Jordanian Dish). 

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