From 0 to 365: My First Year as a Design Executive

As I think about my career in User Experience and Design, much of it has unfolded in an organic way rather than following a detailed career plan. I have always kept my eyes open for the next engaging and interesting career opportunity that would offer a challenge and something new, but never had a prescribed notion of what each step would be. As I sat in my last role as a director of user experience, I did not have focused ambitions of joining the executive ranks. I never ruled it out, but it was not by mission—then opportunity came knocking. Approached by an executive recruiter regarding a vice president position at a well established and growing company with interesting technology …

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A Meta-Analytical Review of Empirical Mobile Usability Studies

Abstract In this paper we present an adapted usability evaluation framework to the context of a mobile computing environment. Using this framework, we conducted a qualitative meta-analytical review of more than 100 empirical mobile usability studies. The results of the qualitative review include (a) the contextual factors studied; (b) the core and peripheral usability dimensions measured; and (c) key findings in the form of a research agenda for future mobile usability research, including open and unstructured tasks are underutilized, interaction effects between interactivity and complexity warrant further investigation, increasing research on accessibility may improve the usability of products and services for often overlooked audiences, studying novel technology and environmental factors will deepen contextual mobile usability knowledge, understanding which hedonic factors …

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Usability Evaluation of Email Applications by Blind Users

Table 1

In this article, we discuss results of usability evaluations of desktop and web-based email applications used by those who are blind. Email is an important tool for workplace communication, but computer software and websites can present accessibility and usability barriers to blind users who use screen readers to access computers and websites.

User-Centered Design in Procured Software Implementations

Abstract Beginning in 2008, the author’s IT department started looking at Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products as an alternative to custom developed applications. Over the next two years, the company would transition from a “build” to “buy” philosophy, and it would be necessary to evolve the role of usability specialists to help incorporate user-centered design practices into both COTS evaluations and implementations. This case study describes how the author contributed to an enterprise-wide implementation of Microsoft SharePoint, as well as some of the challenges faced and lessons learned. It also suggests other ways that usability specialists can participate in COTS implementations. Practitioner’s Take Away For usability practitioners whose organizations are increasingly considering COTS product purchases, this author recommends the following: Getting …

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Tough Sell: Selling User Experience

I have the luxury of working for a mature user experience (UX) organization. One of the benefits of working for such an organization is that we get to tackle a range of challenges not all organizations have the bandwidth to attack. In my case, the challenge was posed by my boss who asked, “I need you to figure out how to align with our sales force.” I returned his request with a question, “I help develop product. I don’t know a thing about selling it. Why is this a good idea?” His response was, “Our sales organization could benefit greatly by understanding how to position UX with customers, but they don’t have a clue how to do it.” I figured …

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UXPA Bylaws

Bylaws of the User Experience Professionals Association A Nonprofit Corporation Table Of Contents Article 1: Name and Location Article 2: Purposes Article 3: Restrictions Article 4: Membership Article 5: Dues Article 6: Directors Article 7: Officers Article 8: Regional Directors Article 9: Membership Meetings Article 10: Committees Article 11: Antitrust Policy Article 12: Records Article 13: Nondiscrimination Article 14: Indemnification Article 15: Fiscal Year Article 16: Notice Article 17: Amendments Article One NAME AND LOCATION 1.1 Name.  The name of the association is the Usability Professionals’ Association dba User  Experience Professionals Association, a nonprofit corporation incorporated in the State of Texas. 1.2. Location. The Association may have offices and Chapters, either within or without the State of Texas as the …

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