Past Webinars

UX Marketing: un enfoque de UX para incrementar la conversión, julio 3, 2019  Watch Recording It’s Free! ​UX Marketing es el enfoque de Talámica Øptimization de experiencia de usuario orientado a lograr objetivos de marketing. Ayuda a crear y optimizar sitios web, landing pages o apps, a través de una estrategia de diseño clara, permitiéndoles elaborar fácilmente hipótesis de diseño que puedan poner a prueba a través de experimentos que mejoren su tasa de conversión. El componente central de UX Marketing es el Modelo CCC, compuesto de tres factores, relevancia, influencia y usabilidad, con los que se toman decisiones de diseño que definen una estrategia de UX y Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). Presentado por: Juan-Francisco Reyes Es consultor, investigador y profesor en …

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Usability Studies and the Hawthorne Effect

Abstract This paper provides a brief review of the Hawthorne effect, a discussion of how this effect relates to usability studies and help for practitioners in defending their studies against criticisms made on the basis of this effect. Practitioner’s Take Away The Hawthorne effect can be (mis)used as a basis on which to criticize the validity of human-centered studies, including usability studies. Therefore, it is important that practitioners are able to defend themselves against such criticism. A wide variety of defenses are possible; depending on which interpretation of the Hawthorne effect is adopted. To make an informed decision as to which interpretation to adopt, practitioners should be aware of the whole story regarding this effect. A precursor to any defense …

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Adapting Usability Investigations for Agile User-Centered Design

Abstract When our company chose to adopt an Agile development process for new products, our User Experience Team took the opportunity to adjust, and consequently improve, our user-centered design (UCD) practices. Our interface design work required data from contextual investigations to guide rapid iterations of prototypes, validated by formative usability testing. This meant that we needed to find a way to conduct usability tests, interviews, and contextual inquiry—both in the lab and the field—within an Agile framework. To achieve this, we adjusted the timing and granularity of these investigations, and the way that we reported our usability findings. This paper describes our main adaptations. We have found that the new Agile UCD methods produce better-designed products than the “waterfall” versions …

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Usability Testing of Travel Websites

Abstract A usability study was conducted to identify usability problems as well as recommendations for improvement for three travel sales websites. The study performed testing on twenty participants, between the ages of 19 and 65, recruited from the university campus consisting of students, faculty, and staff. The three websites tested were,, and Each participant was given general instructions and a pre-survey to determine their demographics and level of Internet experience. The usability study tested participants on the task of finding the same itinerary on each travel website. The participant during testing was under observation of the experimenter that maintained an observation log. A post-survey along with a debriefing session was conducted to gather additional feedback. The average …

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Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Journal of Usability Studies. This journal was born in response to a growing need in the community of usability practitioners and researchers. Have you ever you looked for the most recent findings of usability studies that you can learn from or wondered where to publish interesting results from your own usability studies? Until now, there was no available forum for usability practitioners and applied researchers to share and disseminate many of their findings and experiences that are of general interest to this community. To meet this need and to fill the gap between academic research and business case studies, the Journal of Usability Studies was born. This publication will be a peer-reviewed, on-line …

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The UTEST Community: Celebrating 20 Years of a Safe Space for UX Discussions

UTEST, the online community of user experience (UX) practitioners and researchers, celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. If you are a member, you know it as a place where you can ask questions, get help and opinions from your UX colleagues, contribute to discussions, find out about potential jobs and interesting non-profit events, and even try out unpolished, inchoate ideas knowing that discussions will be professional and respectful. If you aren’t a member, consider joining us by writing to and asking for an application. (Note that we usually spell the community’s name, UTEST, all capitals, no hyphen. Since the birth of the UTEST community, a number of commercial companies have given themselves similar-sounding names. This may be a tribute …

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