Five Agile UX Myths

There are people who preach that Agile UX should be conducted this way or that, and they all have valid methods and legitimate approaches to creating usable designs in an Agile environment…

Development and Evaluation of Two Prototypes for Providing Weather Map Data to Blind Users Through Sonification

Figure 1

While most aspects of web accessibility are technically easy to solve, providing accessible equivalents of data visualizations for blind users remains a challenging problem. Previous attempts at accessible equivalents focused on sonification of population data. This paper describes the creation of two prototypes for providing real-time weather information in a sonified format for blind users.

Volunteer with UXPA

We Need YOU! UXPA depends on volunteers from around the world to support our mission. No matter what your skills or experience level, there are ways that you can contribute to the UXPA community. In doing so you will: Expand your network Get greater professional visibility Gain insight into the UX profession Receive mentorship from some of the most experienced UX practitioners in the world Volunteers help with: Translating existing content (e.g., tweets, Facebook posts, article abstracts, newsletter) into other languages Representing/promoting UXPA around the world Posting content to Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn and list serves Working with UXPA chapters to collect content and event info to share on UXPA International avenues Coordinating publication materials for members (e.g., poster) Interviewing UX professionals and …

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UXPA Code of Professional Conduct

The Code of Professional Conduct of the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) expresses our recognition of responsibilities to the public, clients, employers, and colleagues. The Code will guide members in the performance of their professional responsibilities and express the basic tenets of ethical and professional conduct. The Code of Conduct calls for UXPA members to evaluate the risks and benefits of their actions on all stakeholders and ensure these actions meet highest ethical standards. The Code of Professional Conduct was approved by the UXPA (formerly UPA) Board of Directors in September 2005. The English language version was adjusted in 2013 to match the name change of the profession and to be more inclusive the term usability practitioners was changed to to user …

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Usability Body of Knowledge

A body of knowledge is at the center of other aspects of developing the profession, including a currculum, developing roles, a self-assessment tool and eventually a certification.

Mission and Goals The UXPA has initiated a long-term project to collate a comprehensive Body of Knowledge for the usability profession, which will provide an authoritative source of reference and define the scope of the profession Mission The User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) Body of Knowledge project is dedicated to creating a living reference that represents the collective knowledge of the usability profession. Such a collection of knowledge for the usability profession will necessarily be broad and inclusive in scope, because our profession is inherently multidisciplinary and draws on a wide range of other practices. We recognize that the body of knowledge should be derived from published literature, conference proceedings, and the experiences of practitioners accumulated over many years. It …

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What is User Experience?

Usability is an approach to product development that incorporates direct user feedback throughout the development cycle in order to reduce costs and create products and tools that meet user needs. There are many definitions of usability from books by usability professionals. Two international standards define usability and human-centered (or user-centered) design: “[Usability refers to] the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use.” – ISO 9241-11 “Human-centered design is characterised by: the active involvement of users and a clear understanding of user and task requirements; an appropriate allocation of function between users and technology; the iteration of design solutions; multi-disciplinary design.” – ISO 13407   The business …

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