Submission Guidelines

Submission Deadlines and Guidelines for Contributions

The UPA voice is published every two months and naturally that means that we we need to hear from you. Since it is your voice and not ours, we need you to contribute!

Being usability people, we felt we had to set some guidelines (heuristics if you like). Although not set in stone, please bear them in mind when writing your articles.

Article Submission Deadlines

Issue Article Due Date
May April 18
July June 13
September August 15
November October 17

Guidelines for Contributions

  1. Write about any topic likely to be of interest to UPA members and other usability professionals, for example,
    • Research papers and reports
    • Experiences and case studies
    • Personal viewpoints on key usability issues
    • Seminar/conference/workshop reviews
    • Career development information
    • News and events from chapters
  2. Keep articles under 600 words
  3. Write for the web (some guidelines…)
  4. Use graphics that contribute to your article
  5. Give the article a meaningful and interesting title
  6. Avoid beating your own drum too much (no covert or overt advertising)
  7. Appropriate credit, references and acknowledgment must be given
  8. Send your article in any common word processing format (e.g., RTF, DOC, or TXT)
  9. Send your images as separate file attachments
  10. Email submissions to Daniel Szuc (

The voice editorial team will review your article before we publish it. If we make any changes we will get your approval before releasing it into cyberspace.

We look forward to sharing your wisdom with others!

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