Usability Body of Knowledge


The Usability Body of Knowledge (BoK) project is dedicated to creating a living reference that represents the collective knowledge of the usability profession and provides an authoritative source of reference and define the scope of the profession.

Photo of poster display at UPA 2005
(UPA 2005 Poster: Duane Degler explains the 
project to Thomas Callaghan. Photo:Chauncey Wilson)

The BOK will:

  • Define the knowledge underlying the usability profession.
  • Describe and provide pointers to methods, knowledge, and skills that are important for usability professionals.
  • Promote the advancement, understanding, and recognition of the usability profession among those who interact with the usability community.
  • Facilitate professional development for usability practitioners at any stage in their careers, as well as people who come to usability from other backgrounds/disciplines.
  • Provide the basis for future curriculum development.
  • Provide support for professional development and any future certification schemes.
  • Promote integration and connections with related disciplines.

It will be used by practitioners, colleages in related fields, students, educators, researchers managers and even policymakers.

Project mission statement and history

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