Webinar Sponsor

Pricing $1200 per webinar

Exclusive sponsorship for one of our educational webinars. We will assign you the next available webinar, or you can work with us to help select a speaker. We will promote you in a speaking mention at the beginning of the event as well as includes your logo on our introduction slide. You will also be alloted two minutes at the beginning of the webinar to speak about your organization to attendees. Your sponsorship will be noted on our newsletter and website where the associated webinar is promoted. 

Webinar sponsors will receive a contact list for all event registratnts that opted in to sharing information for the event.

Logo Formats Accepted:

  • Format: JPEG, PNG or GIF
  • No animation or other moving elements

Size: Logos will be scaled to fit on slide. Please provide a minimum of 300px wide or high depending on logo design. 

To Get Started: Contact sponsorship@uxpa.org


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