Contact: Craig TreadawayUXPA CeFL supports students and professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in the central Florida region. Read more...
Contact: Shane McWhorterEmail: soflux.uxpa@gmail.comSOFLUX is the South Florida chapter of UXPA International, the User Experience Professional’s Association. SOFLUX was founded in 2008 as an opportunity open to anyone interested in learning more about user experience in South Florida’s Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. The experience of attending a SOFLUX meeting includes getting to know others interested in all aspects of UX, learning Read more...
Email: chicago@uxpa.orgWhether or not you are a member of UXPA, thinking of becoming one, or not, you are very much welcome to join! We aim to supplement the current meet-ups and various UX groups in Chicago by focusing on user research, information architecture, team building, and strategy. We are always up to hearing suggestions for topics to cover, meeting folks who’d Read more...
Contact: Shirisha ChennamaraEmail: shirichennamaraju@gmail.comUXPA IN supports students and professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in the greater Indianapolis area. Other sites: http://www.indianawud.com/ Read more...
Contact: Craig CaillerEmail: craig@uxpaboston.orgUXPA Boston supports students and professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in the greater Boston area. Read more...
Contact: TBDEmail: michiganuxpa@gmail.comThis chapter is no longer active. If you are interested in reforming it, please contact your Regional Director. Read more...