
“The lifeblood of any discipline is its students,” write Doug Gillan and Beryl Plimmer in their introduction to the special student issue of the Journal of Usability Studies (JUS).

President’s Corner, June 2015


Hi! From 35,000 feet the sun is slipping below the horizon outside the airplane window, but my outlook couldn’t be sunnier. In just two days the UXPA 2015 conference begins and the Coronado Hotel will be filled to the rafters with attendees, presenters, volunteers, the roiling hubbub of conversations, and best of all friends and colleagues that have become family by meeting at this conference year after year. First timers will experience the presenters’ unique thought leadership and meet the people they’ll be happy to see again next year. Before that, of course, there’s a lot of last-minute work to be done. In keeping with the tireless work they’ve done throughout the last year (and longer) to get ready, your …

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User Experience magazine to be online-only from 2015


User Experience magazine has been in print since 2002. In 2013, the editorial team did a fantastic job of putting it online.  This year, we decided to unlock the content so that the site is open to all. From 2015, we will move to an entirely digital format and the magazine will no longer appear in print.

Susan Farrell and Jakob Nielsen publish free User Experience Careers report

On March 11, Susan Farrell announced the publication of a report about User Experience Careers, based on a survey of people working in interaction design, user experience research, and information architecture.  According to Susan, they hope that the report “will be useful to students, academic advisors, or people interviewing for UX Positions”.  The report answers the question “What is user experience, why are these professions worth considering, and how should I prepare to enter the field?” UXPA is proud to share a link to the report.  You can access it here: Download Report

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