The May, 2015, issue of the Journal of Usability Studies (JUS) includes a provocative editorial and a paper on usability for complex systems and cooperative work.
President’s Corner, June 2015
Hi! From 35,000 feet the sun is slipping below the horizon outside the airplane window, but my outlook couldn’t be sunnier. In just two days the UXPA 2015 conference begins and the Coronado Hotel will be filled to the rafters with attendees, presenters, volunteers, the roiling hubbub of conversations, and best of all friends and colleagues that have become family by meeting at this conference year after year. First timers will experience the presenters’ unique thought leadership and meet the people they’ll be happy to see again next year. Before that, of course, there’s a lot of last-minute work to be done. In keeping with the tireless work they’ve done throughout the last year (and longer) to get ready, your …