UXPA@Pratt, the First Student Chapter of UXPA International

The Pratt Institute School of Information student chapter of the UXPA was established in January 2017. UXPA@Pratt supports professional development and promotes career networking for students in the Information Experience Design Master of Science degree program.

In this webinar, the faculty advisor and several officers of the group will

  • Characterize  the IXD degree program at Pratt
  • Discuss how they initiated their relationship with UXPA International,
  • Outline their goals and how these are addressed in an active event schedule,
  • Talk about how their social networking strategy is building their community, and
  • Describe the UX research and design process for the future UXPA@Pratt website!


Craig M. MacDonald, Ph.D. (Faculty Advisor), is an associate professor in the School of Information at Pratt Institute where he developed and coordinates the Master of Science in Information Experience Design and User Experience advanced certificate programs.

Charles Dellebovi (former UXPA@Pratt President) holds a Master of Science degree in Information Experience Design from Pratt Institute. He currently works as a registrar for a small art storage and shipping company based in New York City.

Mary Ellen Curley (current President) is a second-year School of Information student pursuing an MS in Information Experience Design, and is currently a Lead Product Developer for McGraw-Hill Education.

Jo Polanco (Vice President, Communications) has had a career in corporate retail before attending Pratt, and is also a second-year School of Information student, working toward an MS in Library Information Science with an Advanced Certificate in User Experience.

Arushi Jaiswal (Vice President, Webmaster) has a background in the fields of communication, marketing and fashion, and is a second-year student pursuing an MS in Information Experience Design at Pratt.


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