Volunteer Spotlight: Emmanuelle Pollier

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Emmanuelle has been an instrumental part this year in the planning and execution of our 2019 Student Scholarship Competition and our 2019 Student Project Competition. Her attention to detail, combined with her enthusiasm, makes her a pleasure to work with on this volunteer initiative! 

– Sara Mastro, Pres/Director of Events

Read more about Emmanuelle as our Director of Volunteers Alain Robillard-Bastein chatted with her to learn a bit about what brought her to UXPA and her experiences being a volunteer.

Q. What motivated you to become a volunteer with us initially?

A. In addition to being close to its community, UXPA is a bridge between universities and practitioners, which is very important for professionals. Being aware of new research and discoveries brings added value to practitioners. It seemed important to me to contribute to the UXPA conference so it runs smoothly and participants benefit from this transfer of knowledge.

I was sure to meet dynamic and inspiring people, but also to have a rewarding experience.

Q. What challenges would you have encountered in your role as a volunteer?

A. At the conference, I did not meet any! We have the chance as volunteers to be supported by a very well-honed team, Alain, Matt and Veronika do an exceptional job behind the scenes to organize the tasks of the volunteers. Without them, we would face multiple challenges.

Q. What motivates you to invest yourself in this role?

A. For me volunteering is a civic duty, giving back to society through my time and good mood is vital. Helping the international conference run smoothly allows stakeholders and participants to fully benefit from their experience. The well-being of others is, for me, an important value. Allow everyone to be in the flow!

Q. What is rewarding or enjoyable when you are a volunteer?

A. I like the smile and the good mood of the participants, the speakers and the sponsors. That all live a positive experience at the conference is rewarding. And it is very nice to have the feeling of belonging to a big family.

Q. And what are your activities as a volunteer at UXPA?

A. At the conference, they are of different kinds, that is to ensure the smooth running of the presentations (to make sure that the speakers have all what they need, to present them to the people who attend their presentation), to welcome the participants on their arrival and to proceed to their registration, or participate in the logistics of certain requests, such as setting up exhibitor posters, or as last year hide envelopes for the opening presentation!

Also this year, I am involved in the organization of two students events: the Student Scholarship Award which gives a winner the chance to come to attend the conference all expenses paid, and the Student Project Competition where a selection of finalists presents, during the conference, their project alongside the posters of industry experts. Judges will declare a winner. 

This is a longer commitment. The activities are as varied as the launching of the competition, communicating with universities and students and following-up, and the organization of the evaluation process of the student proposals. Of course, I am supported by the members of the committee. This year, we have a novelty, as students will be able to present their projects virtually. It will therefore be a challenge to organize the evaluation of the projects by the jury, taking into account the time differences. But I am confident that it will work: I can count on the committee in place and, of course, the volunteers!

Interested in Volunteering? Read more about some of the roles we are currently looking for on our Volunteer page

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