Volunteer Spotlight: Angelina Garcia

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Angelina Garcia (Photo)
Angelina Garcia
UXPA Volunteer

Sara Mastro, UXPA International President, sat down with Angelina Garcia to ask her our top 5 questions.

1) How did you get started in UX?
I started out as a Graphic Designer and transitioned into UX. I feel like it was a natural progression in my career.

2) What is most rewarding about working in UX?
For me, it’s being able to use both parts of my brain. The analytical side to conduct research and synthesize that research. And the creative side to take that research and create a great looking product that will (hopefully) make peoples’ lives easier.

3) What inspired you to start volunteering for UXPA International?
In 2022, I co-presented at UX Y’all, put on by the Triangle chapter, and I was so amazed at the great work all those volunteers did that it inspired me to get involved and to give back.

4) What are you most looking forward to about UXPA 2023?
Expanding my network and getting inspired by all the great UX folks that are part of this organization!

5) What song will always get you dancing?!
Oh boy, so many choices! If I have to pick one, I’d go with Whitney Houston’s, “I Wanna Dance With Somebody.” It never fails to get just about everyone I know dancing!

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