Sign Up for the Consultant’s Directory
Listing in the Consultant Directory is available only to UXPA members in good standing.
To sign up for your listing, send an email to with your:
- Company name
- Mailing address
- Telephone
- Fax, number
- Email address
- Web site URL
You may also include a graphical banner to accompany your listing.
The banner file must be:
- GIF or JPEG format
- 10K or smaller
- Approximately 440 x 65 pixels
- Use no animations
The fee for a 12-month listing is $100. Please call +1-630-980-4997 with your credit card information ready or utilize the UXPA Consultant Directory form found here.
For fastest posting of your company or organization in the Consultant Directory, please submit your UXPA Consultant Directory Form to: or fax the completed form to UXPA at +1-630-351-8490
Your listing will be posted upon receipt of payment.