5 reasons to sponsor the UXPA International 2020 Conference

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Over 600 UX professionals are coming to Baltimore, MD this summer. Be the brand they remember by sponsoring one of the biggest UX conferences in the world.

There are 100’s of reasons to become a sponsor, and picked our top 5.
When you’re ready, we’d love to talk more about opportunities to help you achieve your goals.

1) Tailor your own package – we love to help our partners create experiences at our conferences. Whether you want to sponsor our underwater aquarium reception, host a private dinner or maybe a portfolio review, we will work with you to build a sponsored experience that puts your brand at the front of everyone’s minds.

2) Reach a global audience – we welcome attendees from all corners of the globe. If you’re looking to expand your reach into international markets UXPA, is the ideal opportunity.

3) Build meaningful relationships – we design our conference to make connecting easy. We guarantee foot traffic throughout the day by serving food during our breaks around exhibition booths. Our session breaks are at least 30 minutes allowing plenty of time for demos and discussions.

4) Talk to ‘doers’ and decision makers – UXPA attracts a mix of professionals. 60% of attendees are UX practitioners in research, design and academia. The remaining 40% represent directors and managerial level attendees. Whoever your audience, if they’re in the UX field they’ll be at UXPA.

5) Connect with top talent – looking for their next career move. Our career development track inspires attendees to take their next step. Be front of mind as attendees consider their next career move.

Whether you’re looking to build brand awareness, demo a product, attract top UX talent or just want to support the UX community, we’re here to help.

You can download our sponsorship prospectus and talk with our team today at sponsorship@uxpa.org.

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