2020 UXPA International Student Project Competition

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Thanks to all participants of the third edition of the Student Project Competition. It was an amazing year!

We are pleased to announce our winner of this year’s competition, Deed by Anurag Sachan.

The panel of judges were extremely impressed with the level of primary and secondary research into the problem space. The target user was expertly portrayed through a selection of empathy maps, personas and customer journey maps. The final solution was articulated through detailed information architecture, task flows and user interface design.

Anurag will be presenting his project as part of the UXPA International 2020 – At-Home virtual conference in September. Make sure not to miss it!


The judging panel also decided to award two runners’ up awards to: Grool by Aishwarya Anand Singh and Yatu by Vijeta Nayak. 

What is the Student Project Competition?

This award recognizes the excellent contribution of students in the user experience industry. Students submit their work as a poster to cover background to their project, problem to be solved, the objectives, and methods to a panel of industry experts.

Amongst a dozen student projects submitted this year, the judging panel selected 5 finalists. Each finalist gave a 10 minute remote presentation of their project followed by questions by the jury.

Rigor of research, quality of the oral presentation, design of the digital poster and the importance to the UX community made up the evaluation criteria.

We congratulate all our finalists!

Deed by Anurag Sachan – Career counseling and experience for students 

Enliven by Kanchan Pathak – Recovering from Postpartum Depression

Grool by Aishwarya Anand Singh – Second hand school supplies made cheap and easy

Uliv by Raktim Bhowmik – Share documents, objects and memories after death

Yatu by Vijetha Nayak – Solo travel assistant 

The judging panel was unanimous, all projects demonstrated extremely high quality design and research skills. Selecting a winner was no easy task. Thank you to all the students that submitted their projects, each year the standard of projects gets higher and higher, we are consistently impressed with the quality of UX work submitted to the competition.

We’d also like to thank the sponsors of the student competition: Axure and UXPressia for providing prizes for our winners.

A big thank you to our panel of judges: Andy Parker, Emmanuelle Pollier, Jack Holmes, Jim Creager, Sam Winslet and Sara Mastro.

Finally, we’d like to say a massive thank you to Emmanuelle Pollier, the volunteer responsible for organising and facilitating the student competition.

Don’t forget, this competition offers students a fast track to present their work at UXPA International conferences. Application entries should open in January 2021. Get ready for next year and be part of the fun!  

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