Five questions with Jean Fox, 2022 Conference Committee member

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How did you get started in the field of UX?

I happened to go to a university that had an undergraduate program in Human Factors.  I had initially declared my major in psychology, but felt it wasn’t quite right.  However, once I learned about the human factors program from my good friend Linda Borghesani, I was hooked.  We are both still in the field today!  I love that the field allows me to work with technology and to help people.

How did you first get involved with UXPA?

My first UXPA conference was in 1998.  After attending a couple more, I decided that they were so great that I wanted to get more involved, so I joined the conference committee.  I started with a small role, then took on more responsibility over the years.  In 2014, I joined the board and served as Treasurer through 2019.  It was such a great experience that I definitely wanted to stay involved on the conference committee after my term on the board ended.


What is it you like most about being part of the UXPA Conference planning?
Definitely the people!  Everyone is committed to doing great work and having fun.  However, contributing to an amazing event like the UXPA conference is a close second.

What is one fact people may not know about you?

I first got to know my husband at a Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual meeting many years ago.  So you never know what good things can happen at professional conferences!

What song can we expect you to get up and dance to at the UXPA 2022 opening reception?

Footloose, or really almost any dance music from the 1980s.


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